- for those who are interested in getting to know the owner of this blog -


  • name: Greta
    but more important:
  • nicknames: Greti, greaty, McMelone (you can find this one on instagram, too!!!)
  • 18 years old
  • german
  • is addicted to sports, especially track and field!!! and loves surfing (even though she only did it 3 times yet)
  • loves the sea, the sun and summer
  • family and close friends are very important to her
  • very creative (loves sewing, drawing and doing handicrafts)
  • loves to make movies and edit them
  • favourite animals: dolphins and lions (because it's my zodiac sign, so I am basically a lion woman)
  • favourite colours: sun-yellow, grass-green, water-turquoise
  • loves watermelon, strawberries, rasperries, bananas, apples, oranges.... basically all fruits - but I hate vegetables
  • is a happy little human that enjoys her life


I already love my australian family, even though I didn't meet them in real life yet. But we mailed a lot and skyped and they are the best I could imagine!


I am going to be an Au Pair and have to take care of two lovely children, a girl and a boy. I'm looking forward to a lot of cuddles and trips with them - and of course the sweet dog! They live near the sea, so I will start my days with a good view I guess!

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