Au-Pair Life

Au-Pair Life · 19 September 2018
This blogpost is about almost missing a flight, my first camping trip in Australia and meeting my lovely host-family!
Au-Pair Life · 06 September 2018
There are so many things you have to do before your departure. And so many things to think of when you're packing your bags! Read more about my last days in Germany...
Au-Pair Life · 22 Februar 2018
Finding my family was connected with some hurdles and disappointments, but at the end I am very happy that I found my family!
Au-Pair Life · 20 Februar 2018
Australia - but what next? Work and Travel or Au Pair? And how do you find the best agency that will find the perfect family for you? Read my experience about my decision to become an au pair and how I found my agency!